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Commercial Building Inspections, Industrial Inspections, Net Lease Inspections,

Triple Net Lease (NNN) Inspections, Property Condition Assessment (PCA)

Infrared Thermal Inspections

Call Barry Adair for your Customized Quote:  972-487-5634


Are you concerned about a Texas commercial property that you have a vested interest in or are you considering Building, Purchasing or Net Leasing in the Dallas, Fort Worth metro area or another part of the country?


The ADAIR INSPECTION Network of National Associates (NACBI) and I have your solution for “what you need to know, when you need to know it.” You’ll receive a fact finding and fact based property inspection assessment with a detailed report of our findings.


These commercial property inspection assessments can be customized for your specific needs; from a basic 5-Point Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and associated Grounds to a Technically Exhaustive Evaluation utilizing trades specialists for each discipline, based on the Client's needs, what exists or what the planned usage determines. I’ll discuss any and all options so you are assured that the commercial inspection ordered meets your requirements as well as being cost effective.


Your Commercial Inspections, Industrial Inspections, Net Lease Inspections, Triple Net Lease (NNN) Inspections and other Building Inspections will conform to ASTM E2018, which is an Industry Standard for a Comprehensive Baseline Property Condition Assessment (PCA).


What I bring to the table is decades and 38 states worth of experience. I have hands-on, on-site construction, Quality Control, Construction Superintendent and Commercial Building Inspections working with, on or for numerous projects associated with Austin, Austin Interiors, BECK, BMG, Dal-Mac, King & Company, Rogers, Texas Interior and Trammell Crow just to name a few. I am currently and have been for the better part of the past two decades an Independent Owner, Inspector, Moisture Analyst, Infrared Thermographer, Building and construction Consultant.


Due Diligence: Is a term used for a number of concepts involving either an investigation of a business or person prior to signing a contract, or an act with a certain standard of care. It can be a legal obligation, but the term will more commonly apply to voluntary investigations. A common example of due diligence in various industries is the process through which a potential acquirer evaluates a target property or its assets for acquisition.


Our inspectors represent the best of the best with experience and professionalism for our respective trades. Our inspectors follow the industry nationally accepted guidelines of ASTM International for Property Condition Assessments and Infraspection Institute standards of practice for infrared thermal imaging Inspections. We have a nationwide network of highly trained thermographers able to image, consult and provide reliable analysis of any property, building, electrical, moisture entry or roofing systems as well as other applications you or your colleagues may require.


What types of properties do ADAIR INSPECTION and NACBI members inspect?

No structures are too small or large for “our teams” when necessary. From Underground to High-rises and Aerospace to Zoological facilities if the subject property falls under the classification of commercial property and been built within the last three-centuries our members have inspected it or something very similar. On many occasions, NACBI members get requests for a perceived overwhelming inspection proposal. These may include but are not limited to multi-million square feet properties, high-rise buildings, industrial facilities, multi-structure complexes, centers and universities that are beyond many inspectors’ realms. These projects are usually contracted out to individual trades or different inspection firms driving up costs, creating time delays, inconsistent reports and a disappointing end result. Why not let ADAIR INSPECTION create and manage an encompassing package of highly skilled associates to assure that a timely and consistently uniform inspection and report are issued every time a project is ordered?


What is a Client defined scope of work?

Any project that does not have a defined scope of work is on a path of disappointments, by either the client or the inspector.

A defined scope of work precisely lays out the items, systems and a time line both parties come to terms and agree upon based on clientele management decisions. When the client specifically defines the scope of work they are telling their inspector exactly what the client needs and the requirements that are expected, what is to be inspected managing funds for any project undertakings as well as the allowable time for completion. These proven methods avoid cost overruns, time delays and disappointing project results. All NACBI Members are available to discuss the varied options clients may decide upon, creating a package of associates as well as providing input for options that the client may have overlooked or not yet considered but are necessary in order to provide the required information associated with a particular property. Avoid mismanagement of your projects by always hiring an NACBI Member.

Corporate client standardized reporting templates.

These can be ordered to assure that the property inspection and report a corporate client receives from one area of the nation is very similar in project scope, layout and format to another region regardless of the inspector that completes the inspection and report. This allows the client a consistent ease in understanding all report materials provided by the NACBI Member.

Why would I get a Triple Net Lease property inspected?

Whether you are the owner or the tenant these inspections provided by your inspector provide you with factual information about the property conditions and the prescriptive maintenance requirements. As an owner you want to know that your properties are being properly maintained as wear occurs and as a tenant you want to assure your landlord of the same. By having these inspections performed before, during and after the lease option period all parties involved are assured they know what the property conditions were upon the lease initiation and have met the terms of the lease agreement during occupancy. These inspections provide either party a documented record just in case any dispute ever arises during occupancy or at the lease expiration.


What are building diagnostics?

Building diagnostics is a holistic process of data collection regarding conditions, detection and analysis of faults, abnormalities, defects, anomalies or exceptions in construction practices, building materials and associated fabrications. This process can be carried out unaided, using the naked eye, but is often aided by advanced technology such as infrared thermography, electrical resistance moisture meters or other handheld devices. The end product of building diagnostics is a prediction of the likely causes of the found defects/faults in building and suggestion of appropriate remedial actions. Building diagnostics is not an exact science. Very often, final professional judgment is required. It is important that this final judgment can only be made after careful diagnostic process has been properly performed. Otherwise the prediction can only be regarded as a guess. Practitioners of building diagnostics are called building diagnosticians who are equipped with the specialist knowledge and skills required. NACBI members that offer these type services have completed extensive training and own or lease equipment to assure results and customer satisfaction.

Why is my insurance company telling me I need my electrical panels infrared scanned?

Many insurance providers offer coverage discounts to policyholders that have their electrical equipment or facilities electrical systems and associated components scanned with infrared thermography. Infrared thermography inspection can provide peace of mind for all parties concerned as well as a baseline of current conditions assisting with predictive maintenance and identifying potential problems before a costly or catastrophic event occurs.


Who is the NACBI?

The National Association of Commercial Building Inspectors and Thermographers (NACBI) is the ever growing brain trust formed by a group of well educated and seasoned veteran inspectors that have a passion for their chosen profession and a goal of organizing a system that assures client satisfaction. The aim of our association is to blanket North America with a qualified inspector’s network providing reports for any client’s inspection needs so when you hire one member it’s like hiring the association. We value our client’s privacy and confidentiality and abide by a strict Code of Ethics. Our members share among ourselves inspection experiences, findings and our individual expertise so our reports arm you with the most current documentable facts. This way you can make informed decisions about the properties you manage, own, plan to purchase, sell or are currently contracted for in a lease agreement. None of our members could buy their way in to this association, membership is selectively granted to those who have proven themselves though years of association with their tireless efforts and support of other members meeting your goals.


Who is ASTM and what is the E-2018?

  • ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence. Working in an open and transparent process and using ASTM processes to deliver inspection related test methods, specifications, guides, and practices that support industries and governments worldwide.
  • ASTM E-2018 is the Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments and the Baseline for the Property Condition Assessment Process. This standard allows you and your NACBI inspector the freedom to create an inspection package that suits your needs, budget and any associated time lines. This standard does not lock you into unwanted inspection processes nor does it pose limitations on your specific requirements. Your NACBI inspector is always there to assist when specific guidance is required.

Who is Infraspection Institute and what are their standards?

Infraspection Institute has provided training, certification, and support services for thousands of thermographers worldwide, since 1980. Infraspection Institute also publishes software, thermography Standards, and technical articles for thermographers and Non Destructive Testing (NDT) professionals. Their capabilities and expertise are without equal. These services are provided without marketing hype since they do not manufacture or sell infrared equipment. Staffed by highly experienced, Level III Certified Infrared Thermography Instructors, they provide Real World Solutions for today's challenges.

Infraspection Institute has over time tested procedures compiled comprehensive standards as they relate to industry practices, building materials, construction techniques and component performance. These documents cover the evaluation of equipment operation, temperature measurement, and specific thermographic applications. Infraspection standards are updated periodically to keep abreast of industry and technological changes. These Standards are only available for purchase through Infraspection Institute.

When the client orders thermography inspections or investigations, NACBI Members utilize these standards.


Where can I find an NACBI inspector in my area?

ADAIR INSPECTION, Barry Adair covers Texas and is located within the Dallas-Ft.Worth market. But you are never more than one click away from our simple Inspector Locator at

In the event we do not have someone in your specific locale just click the closest inspector this usually will allow arrangements to be made too accommodate your request.

What is NFPA 70E and is your company compliant?

The National Fire Protection Association NFPA 70E Standard is a comprehensive standard that contains detailed instructions on how to protect workers from the heat of electric arc exposures and any of the equipment or clothing necessary. Complying with this Standard is a must for all electricians, employees and thermography inspectors that are within an arc flash zone or whenever electrical equipment is being thermo-graphically evaluated. The NACBI Members that perform these types of thermography inspections have a working knowledge of the required precautions necessary and at least one person is assigned to assure compliance is maintained the entire time during the on site evaluation. Contact ADAIR INSPECTION for further information or the National Fire Protection Association to purchase a copy of NFPA 70E.

What is infrared thermal imaging?

Infrared is a light spectrum that is not visible by naked eye. Infrared thermal imaging is performed by highly trained professional thermography inspectors known as thermographers using a sophisticated infrared thermal imager (IR camera). The IR camera is used as diagnostic equipment to measure surface radiation (heat) differentials in order to identify reportable abnormalities, defects or failures identified as exceptions (differences in surface temperature). In some cases images can also prove that components are correctly installed and components or systems appear to be operating as intended. Consult ADAIR INSPECTION to see what options are available for you.

How does thermal imaging work?

The thermal imager (IR camera) detects radiation (heat) this produces an infrared image that the thermographer records and evaluates, often in a specialized software program. The thermographer tunes these images and also creates a narrative of associated reportable defects, failures, identified as exceptions in the images. Or the thermal images provide a clearance format for correctly installed and operating systems depending on the existing conditions when the images are taken. Thus a baseline can be established for preventative maintenance records or repair orders can be initiated before the potentially catastrophic failure occurs, in many instances.


What will thermal imaging tell me?

The images may identify items associated with construction missteps, installation abnormalities, equipment or component wear or other material defects that can potentially jeopardize property integrity or occupant health, safety and well being. Again, in some cases images can also prove that components are correctly installed and components or systems appear to be operating as intended.


Is thermal imaging like x-ray?

No, but just like x-ray it is a fantastic diagnostic tool but only the exposed surface radiation (heat) is measured and stored in the images it does not see through any solid objects, in fact glass and some other surfaces act like a mirror reflecting background heat sources, thus the need for a qualified thermographer. Unlike your standard visual image camera thermography is not point and shoot equipment or technology.

What can you use thermal imaging on?

Infrared thermal imaging can be used for many diagnostic applications such as but not limited to the items below and are considered a Specialized Inspection Service possibly requiring additional scheduling time and always incur additional fees:


Electrical Systems & Distribution Inspections

What the experts say:

         Every year in the United States, faulty electrical/lighting equipment causes more than 45,000 structural fires. On average, these fires kill at least 240 people, injure 1,200, and inflict more than $1 billion in direct property damage. Infrared testing has become the most widely recommended method for detecting these critical electrical faults before they cause catastrophic fires.

The National Fire Protection Association: NFPA 70B - Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance

         "Routine infrared inspections of energized electrical systems should be performed annually..."

         "Infrared inspections of electrical systems are beneficial to reduce the number of costly and catastrophic equipment failures and unscheduled plant shutdowns."

         "Infrared inspections have uncovered a multitude of potentially dangerous situations. Proper diagnosis and remedial action of these situations have also helped to prevent numerous major losses."

         "Infrared detection can be accurate, reliable, and expedient to use in a variety of electrical installations. More important, it can be relatively inexpensive to use considering the savings often realized by preventing equipment damage and business interruptions."

         "Many organizations are finding it preferable to obtain these surveys from qualified outside contractors. Because of their more extensive experience, their findings and recommendations are likely to be more accurate, practical, and economical than those of a part-time in-house team."


Mechanical Systems Inspections

    Roof System Inspections

      Building Science Structural/Mechanical Energy Loss Inspections

      Clogged Drains and Plumbing Leaks


      The list is endless please consult ADAIR INSPECTION for further information and all of your inspection options. Barry Adair 972-487-5634

      Many of the following have benefited from the services of our inspectors and thermographers:

      • Commercial Construction Commissioning Agents – commercial and infrared thermal imaging services including building scans, roof scans, electrical assessments, acceptance testing, and energy-heat-air conditioning loss assessments
      • Commercial Engineering and Architect Firms – commercial and infrared thermal imaging services including building scans, roof scans, electrical assessments, acceptance testing, and energy-heat-air conditioning loss assessments
      • Commercial Property Investors (or Investment Groups) – commercial property inspections and condition assessments (PCA) commercial and infrared thermal imaging services including building scans, roof scans, electrical assessments, acceptance testing, and energy-heat-air conditioning loss assessments
      • Commercial Property Net Lease Occupants (also known as Commercial Triple Net Lease) – commercial property inspections and condition assessments (PCA) commercial and infrared thermal imaging services including building scans, roof scans, electrical assessments, acceptance testing, and energy-heat-air conditioning loss assessments
      • Commercial Property Owners – commercial maintenance inspections and property condition assessments (PCA) commercial and infrared thermal imaging services including building scans, roof scans, electrical assessments, acceptance testing, and energy-heat-air conditioning loss assessments
      • Commercial Property Realtors and Brokers – commercial property inspections and condition assessments (PCA)
      • Individual or Business Commercial Property Purchasers – commercial property inspections and condition assessments (PCA) commercial and infrared thermal imaging services including building scans, roof scans, electrical assessments, acceptance testing, and energy-heat-air conditioning loss assessments

      In the event you, your firm or colleagues require professional inspections or infrared thermography services please don't hesitate to contact me. Barry Adair 972.487.5634


      As you can see this list is virtually endless based on your specific needs and requirements…let’s talk and decide what’s the best fit for you.

      ü       Active Leaks

      ü       ADA Compliance, performed by NACBI experienced ADA team members 

      ü       Ancillary Roof(s)

      ü       Balconies

      ü       Ceiling/Walls/Window Coverings

      ü       Common Areas

      ü       Curbing/Wheel Stops

      ü       Doors/Frames

      ü       Electrical Systems

      ü       Elevators, Escalators, Funiculars, Moving Sidewalks (NOTE: These require qualified and/or licensed 3rd Party Inspection).

      ü       Emergency Lighting & Signage

      ü       Expansion Joints

      ü       Exterior Eaves, Flashing, Soffits, Fascia

      ü       Exterior Walls

      ü       Facades/Exterior Wall Systems

      ü       Fire/Life Safety (NOTE: These require qualified and/or licensed 3rd Party Inspection).

      ü       Fire Sprinklers (NOTE: These require qualified and/or licensed 3rd Party Inspection).

      ü       Flatwork/Stairs/Railings

      ü       Flashings/Details

      ü       Floor Coverings

      ü       Foundations

      ü       Garages or utility buildings

      ü       HVAC Systems, Inspected by NACBI member and or a Licensed HVAC Contractor 

      ü       Insulation

      ü       Interior Elements

      ü       Landscaping and Appurtenances

      ü       Life Safety/Alarm Systems (NOTE: These require qualified and/or licensed 3rd Party Inspection).

      ü       Loading/Unloading dock systems or areas

      ü       Maintenance

      ü       Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing

      ü       Other Site Amenities/Recreational Facilities/Rest Areas

      ü       Parking

      ü       Paving Type/Age

      ü       Pavement Striping

      ü       Plumbing Systems

      ü       Retaining Walls

      ü       Roof Drainage

      ü       Roofing

      ü       Roof Type

      ü       Sidewalks

      ü       Site Access and Traffic Flow

      ü       Site and Building Signage

      ü       Site Improvements

      ü       Site Lighting

      ü       Soils/Geotechnical (NOTE: These require qualified and/or licensed 3rd Party Inspection).

      ü       Stairs

      ü       Storm Water Drainage

      ü       Structural Design Criteria

      ü       Structural Foundation and Frame

      ü       Structural Frame

      ü       Thermal Insulation (Encapsulated Floors, Walls, Ceilings, Roofs or within components with Thermal Imaging)

      ü       Topography

      ü       Utilities

      ü       Viewed Spaces

      ü       Walkways

      ü       Waste Storage Areas

      ü       Water Heating Systems

      ü       Windows